Booking – usually you will book “Bed(s) in the Members Room”..unless it’s a “Members Event” – see “Members Events & Notes” table below
Children under 18 – view important information here Child Protection Policy – Members
The system asks for payment at the time of booking. If you subsequently cancel or do not attend, we will refund the whole amount. ( Or amend it appropriately if the booking is changed) Bookings are still possible via the Hut Booking Secretary. Please email george.starkey.hut@gmail.com
To begin booking, select your Club and then click “Check Availability”

Click on the following Events for more info view all events 

No Events
Help Click here for detailed “screen by screen” help if required (opens in new tab)
Terminology  We use the “FreeToBook” system and its design is generic:  “select units” = beds required. The number seen in the “dropdown” against “select units” is showing the bed availability for the selected dates. Once the required number of “unit(s)” have been selected it will show “Adults 1” for each, meaning “1 Adult per bed” ( it’s always “1”!)
Rates The current (2025) Members rate is £12/night. Non Member guests (of Members) rate is £20/night. The Non Member rate is calculated by adding an “Extra” (£8pppn) : “Non Members Supplement..”. The normal number of guests allowed is 2 per member. If you want to bring more then please contact george.starkey.hut@gmail.com. If you have guests in your party, enter the no. of Non Members, otherwise, just leave the extras as “0”. 
If the Members Room doesn’t appear in the “Check Availability” search then it’s either “fully booked” or “closed out” for an Event. Please see the the Events table above or view all events Otherwise, if there appears to be availability in the “Main Dorms” – please email george.starkey.hut@gmail.com
Payment by Card Payment to be made with any Credit or Debit card. There are no “card” charges.
Confirmation Once the booking is completed you should immediately receive a “Booking Details – George Starkey Hut” email from “George Starkey Hut” (noreply-23654@freetobook.com). If it’s not in your inbox please check your SPAM folder.
Changes/Cancel? To CHANGE or CANCEL a booking please email george.starkey.hut@gmail.com quoting the booking reference. For cancellations we can refund any payment back onto the card that was used. If your expected stay has changed then we can recalculate the amount and then either make a refund or bill for any extra due.