There are 22 beds which can be booked by recognised clubs and organisations. These beds, all bunks, are in 2 dormitories: “Men” (14 beds) and “Women” (8 beds). The Male/Female segregation is optional and is up to the discretion of the occupying group
Group Booking Requests Only | press the outer “<” “>” buttons below to navigate to required dates | number of available beds is shown under each date | select first and last “NIGHTS” on calendar (departure date will be the day after the “last night” | selected date(s) are shown “black” which is very similar to the dark grey “unavailable”!) | page “autoscrolls” to “*BEDS..” – change from default of “1” | enter rest of details
after pressing “Request Booking” scroll to the very top – ie ABOVE CALENDAR – to view confirmation message